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Property Jam

Nov 29, 2021

In this episode, we really get very into the human side of property with property investor and all around lovely person Benjamin Nichols! We talk about how Ben is putting the great back into Grimsby (and perhaps the ham back into Birmingham), his interest in genealogy and connecting long lost families...

Nov 22, 2021

This week we're joined by Donna McCloskey, 'queen' of midlands property and the inventor of 'Fizzy Fridays'. She talks to us about the importance of celebrating every win, (whether it be a 'prosecco' win or a 'champagne' one), having a partner in both life and business, and the other great connections that are so...

Nov 15, 2021

Thinking hats on Property Jammers! We all know (at least, we hope you know) that there are no easy answers, simple fixes, or universal truths in property. This means that there aren't shortcuts to success - it takes a lot to learn how to do it right. In this episode, the gang chat through the different ways that people...

Nov 8, 2021

A corker of an episode this week on Property Jam - we have the host of the Property Voice Podcast Richard Brown with us today, talking about how one can start with a plan, and end up somewhere very different as time goes on. Richard calls this "Fix and Flex" - adapting to what comes at you and changing your plans...

Nov 1, 2021

This week on Property Jam - the market is hotting up! The gang discuss how to 'play a different game of property chess' depending on how the market is doing, how the risk of loss is actually greater in a market like this, as well as discussing what the future of the market is and the advantages that we have in...