Sep 28, 2020
Our special guests for today made us realise that age is just a number. It’s never too early (or even too late) to start a business and think about the future.
We jam with the two young boys of @premiumpropertyltd, Guy and Harley.
Started a year ago in property and their strategy is to learn as much and connect to as much as many people as possible to build their network. When they started, they plan to do refurbs, refinance and flips however, problems started occurring as they are not 18 yet.
Came 2020, they both became 18 and Harley finally got his driver’s license which means they can now to go more viewings and networking events.
Right now, their goal is to progress into property development in their early 20s. Which made us all thinking, what were our goals when we were 18? Do we even think about starting a business already? These guys are truly exceptional!